
christmas at wintermoor.

there's no snow here at wintermoor, I wonder why? 
but Christmas will be merry none the less. 
with family on their way, soon the house will be filled with light, 
from all the lights and the faces!
to all the family and friends present, past and future...
Merry Christmas to you wherever you may be... 
love sven.

the last of the snow.


audobon park.

always nice to look at Christmas lights which are becoming more and more rare. but this house went all out and the back yard which was hard to see from the road was mind blowing!
Merry Christmas everyone!




while there is a lot of deer around here, and I see their tracks often. it's not often you actually see deer, so here's one now, ambling through on a lazy Christmassy afternoon.
Merry Christmas one and all!


what a difference a day makes.



what a difference a day makes.
only thing that's still the same is the sky, which has been grey for days.
I think it looks prettier now though.



so cold today.

how 'bout some memories from last summer to warm up by and dream of?

choose joy

               there is only one path
                        peace, love, joy


november morning

the morning comes
afternoon looming dreamily
mists over the moors



from several years ago. 
(4'x5' oil, pencil, collage elements etc. on canvas)



bar on haight.

leaving on a jet plane.



le box.

this beautiful box was brought home to me by the missus one day quite awhile ago, I'm afraid to say, since I have been meaning to 'cover' the story here ever since. I guess I was waiting for something more meaningful to write - to come to me or something. at any rate here's the story: my wife works with a gentleman named bill who heard I was interested in wood and gave this box to her to give to me! I think that's really cool and it's taken me a long time to say thanks officially, but the box is very at home here with me and thought you'd like to know it's appreciated bill. thank you, sven.



this bear ran in front of our car last weekend in bayfield, wisconsin.


sea worthy?

I think the whole point is to be totally free, you know... 



into the black.

runnin' down the road.

nevada... I think.

three hundred.

may this evening find you safe.
may the morning find you peaceful.
may your coffee be hot, 
and your head cool.

thanks for the memories.
love. sven.



come to scenic alameda.

just happened to be in the neighborhood.

the right way.

your sad hands.
or a tree that grows only on tuesdays.
remember this.

release me I'm yours.
forest on that side of a river.
awhile now that you're gone.


ready wilbur?

hurry you can make it.
...your ship awaits.
faster then the speed of sound.

trees and an old wagon.
waving grass and pine cones.
you mentioned it to me, do you recall?


arrow II.

wait a second.
I can't give anymore.

guten morgen.


goedenavond minneapolis.

a sweet summer's eve in the city.
time rolls up his sleeve.
and takes the clouds on their word.
how a night can change everything.



big mckenzie.

the view last night from one of the most beautiful places on the earth, here at the dane's sister's cabin somewhere in the middle of wisconsin. each time I have been lucky enough to come here it has occurred to me how magical it is, thank you to yvonne, johnny, dane n tk.



let's have breakfast at hunter's point restaurant. built to last.


listen, listen.

listen, do you hear the rain falling quietly?
everything's fine.
wonder how it ever got like this?
a cool breeze but comfortable.

a bird seems to sing and know.
but an animal is just an animal, right?
lets get to work.
that's all that's left.

a tree that grew so slowly.
and now so wonderful.
thank you, but does it matter?
sing that song again.

do you hear that bird?
have you ever heard a song like that?
come home and rest my boy.
you've run down that road so long.

one more thing, just a cup of coffee.
mist out on the moors, like many, many years ago.
do you remember the sky then?
will they ever sing that song again, I wonder?



helen wheels. what a nice sunny day. uh, kids if you like mountains, please to visit utah. why do you think they call it the mountain state? (should call it the wind state - ed.) 


southeast of winnemucca.

this photograph taken on my recent motorbike trip, is now available as an art print. It was a really cool moment. a highway stretches on forever towards some distant mountains while winter snow storms brew in the mountains on either side of this valley. just me and a motorbike.

please contact me with any questions.

a work in progress.

here is a peak at the beginnings of my next folk art piece, another wooden machine.
showing up here in the near future!


muir woods.

do you have the keys to the sub?

dear sir, where are we going?
to duluth or to san francisco?
I can't stand the silence.
not yet my boy.

I remember setting out.
all of the joy and fanfare.
but now we ended up here.
and we're just older.

do you remember our best?
how we shone in the sun.
like greek gods.
but everything changed over time.

this old boat sure took some beatings.
and this tired old body too.
but you never looked better.
please tell me hello as you pass by.

the tea is cold and the cupboard empty.
is there anything to eat?
open the window I can't breathe.
but you never looked better.


mr. bojangles.

I thought I'd try to find old rex.
but ended up getting so lost.
I thought I'd never get home.
and I never saw old rex.

wait, ever listen to a song
and have to quickly shut it off,
'cause it's too painful to hear?
that's who old rex is to me.

keep on rollin' my old buddy.
and may your heart never break
from the weight of your travels and cares,
and only ache a little sometimes.

like me and rex.
we gotta find a way through.
your papers flying through the air.
follow them I cry, as you disappear.


the little king.

the little king would like to be the first to announce that the drawing: 'from winnemuca to great basin' is now available as an art print. If you like it please click on the picture to the right to buy it.
If you are local I would be happy to sign it for you if you like and finish it with some kind of hand made frame thingy, price negotiable.

may day parade south minneapolis 2014.


from winnemucca to great basin.

climbing up some lonely mountain.
alone but for some old eagle.
we know each other exist.
and that is all.

as the bike slides to the east.
and the road turns to ice.
the wind and the motor the only sounds forever.
slow and easy like clouds.

do you remember easy rider?
wanna go with me?
well I guess that job's done.
were you ever there with me?

we lay down our lives everyday.
and think nothing until one day.
when we think everything.
and wait until someone tells us stop.