the dane and I took a trip to the east side and swede hollow in st. paul
a couple of days ago.
swede hollow park.
swede hollow wild turkeys. watch out turkeys, know what day's comin' up?
the hamm's bear (and turkey) the old hamm's brewery borders swede hollow to the north.
hamm's bear. lunch at ward 6 on the east side.
east side.
that was fun.
I definitely recommend ward 6. lunch was excellent, I had a rueben with house braised corn beef. I was too busy with a sandwich melting in my mouth to notice the dane's lunch, but he seemed to like it. ward 6 is really nice.
and, umm… do other restaurants have adult malts? I had a myers's rum and creme de cacao…
oh, also:
may this day find you and all of yours hearty, rested and together.
and may all of your travels be sweet.
may the thanksgiving dinner menu be of your dreams and full of love.
and last but not least, may the folks we sup with have an aversion to dark meat, sweet potatoes and scalloped corn, 'cause I'd like seconds…

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