a story of a trip to delano minnesota to visit jennifer and aaron and dylan and john.
by sven.
my story begins with me climbing into my vw and leaving one rural area and continuing on through suburban waste lands and ending up in another rural area a long ways away. when you go to jen (niece) and aaron's you have to be ready, it's a long drive. but today the highways are like the 'autobahn'. I zoom across town and seem to make record time.
...eventually, after driving exactly 1 hour, I arrive at jennifer, aaron, dylan and john's house in delano minnesota. it's a nice big / small town. they seem to like living here because they do. delano minnesota has a river that runs through it, and a small charming main street, and a lot of nice houses and people who live in them. I have never met one mean person in delano minnesota.
my sister used to live in delano minnesota before she moved to san francisco california a while back. I guess that is another reason I like it here...but it is a long way away from my house in columbus minnesota.
this is jen and john with dad asleep on the couch. meanwhile dylan plays with his racing kit! they are a nice family and fun to be around. jennifer and aaron are both smart and aaron is some kind of an engineer or something (he's not a show off about it either) their home is inviting and comfortable.
dylan is a bundle of energy. be careful though, he's sharp. he doesn't miss a thing. john is another case like his mom's cousin's baby nora...he should hurry up and catch up on everything and learn stuff. but he seems like he's right on track as far as I know.
if you ever spend any time around jennifer you know she's a great chef. but some one forgot to tell her it's impossible to make gyros sandwiches at home so here she is trying to do just that! I have eaten a lot of greek food in my time and have also had 'mock' gyros meat, a travesty, but we'll just keep her amused. sure jen whatever you say.

I'm a believer!
when I eat jen's gyros sandwiches with fresh lettuce, cucumber, tomato, onion, feta cheese and secret seasonings I'm so happy!
poor john, no gyros sandwich for you. maybe some day. don't worry john, I'll eat yours.
as they say in delano: when the babies are asleep and there's gyros in your belly and if momma's happy and if poppa says it's alright then that's all you need.
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